Thursday, 23 June 2011

Thing 2: investigate some other blogs, or stop lurking and say something

So many new (and not so new) blogs to check out! The delicious list was a great way to easily find some people in my own sector. Whilst it's great to get views from people in all kinds of areas, it's also nice to see some other FE people out there and hopefully some good ideas will be shared.

It was also good to see other people with similar feelings about blogging. It seems lots of people have thought about it but never done it, and like me are a bit worried about what they can add to everything already going on in the blogosphere. I said 'hi' to a few people and left some comments, and got a few back which was lovely. Library people are great! I'm really looking forward to what everyone's got to say about the rest of the things, and other stuff too. The problem may be keeping up with everything now!

A picture to finish - I think we should send it out to students at this time of year, but I doubt the bosses would agree.

Image courtesy of

Monday, 20 June 2011

cpd23 thing 1: blogs and blogging

I've started this blog to take part in the cpd23 programme. I've heard about various 23 things programmes before but never taken part in one, and this one feels like it's come along at the perfect time. I'm starting to think about professional development more now than I'm coming to end of my MA which I've been doing part-time, so it feels like taking part in this programme will help launch me into life post-studying (if such a thing truly exists - it doesn't feel like it at the moment!).

This first thing, blogging, is the one I was most nervous about when I looked at the list. I've been reading lots of brilliant blogs for a while now and have found so much useful and inspiring stuff in them, but haven't had the confidence to start my own and join in (rubbish, I know). I'd like to get more involved, so this programme should be great for encouraging me to get stuck in and try new things. Doing it alongside lots of other people will be the support I need I think. I'd like to start the chartership process next year as well and I think the more practice I can get at reflecting on my progress the better, so looking forward to things 5 and 10 too.

Crack on!